venue: R. Jelinek Distillery Area, Razov 472, Vizovice


The “capital” of the Wallachian Kingdom and the birthplace of Bolek Polívka lies 14 km east of Zlín and 30 km from the Slovak border in the picturesque foothills of the Vizovice Highlands. It is famous, among other things, for Wallachian slivovitz and Vizovice pastries.

Safety has always green even at MASTERS OF ROCK!

Dear fans, to enjoy the festival as much as possible, take care of your health and safety. We have some practical advices for you here and if you do face any difficulties, you can find help in the "BEZPEČNOST MÁ ZELENOU" tent, which you will find next to bungee jumping!


  1. No money refund is possible once the ticket is paid, it is not possible to exchange the ticket on site. Four-day and one-day tickets are available.
  2. Organizers take no responsibility for any health / personal belongings damages caused during the festival.
  3. Children older than 3 need their own ticket.
    Children under 12 years of age are allowed into the area only when accompanied by an adult.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to bring drinks, food, plastic bottles, glass bottles, cans, own drinks (even in a returnable cups), as well as any weapons, knives, scissors, flag poles, umbrelas and other things classified by staff as dangerous! The organizer reserves the right to personal security check in a manner permissible by law - at any time! A person refusing to consent to such check will be refused entry or escorted out.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to bring tape recorders or video cameras to the area! Violation of this rule could be classified as a crime!
  6. Taking photos is allowed only on compact cameras without additional lenses. Only accredited photographers and journalists are allowed to bring professional cameras onto the premises!
  7. Organizer and artists reserve the right to film, video and TV recording of concert shows and festival atmosphere. Visitor recorded for the document may also be published without further notice with no financial compensation.
  8. Ticket forgery is illegal and punished according to the law!
  9. Ticket = wristband. With it, you can leave and re-enter the festival area at any anytime. Once you take it off or lose it, you will not be able to re-enter the festival site! All persons without a wristband on hand will be immediately taken out!
  10. The accommodation is FREE during the festival in designated camping areas.
  11. The only currency accepted in the festival area is CZK. Exchange is available at the cash desk by the festival entrance, only EUR - CZK, not the other way around!
  12. The beer is tapped into reusable cups with eyelet for attachment. Cups are exchanged within the purchase of another beer or could be returned at two buyout marked points. Note - in addition to cups with brewery logo there is also limited edition of Metalfest promotional cups. Those are souvenirs and are not intended for a buy-out. Before you purchase your beer, please decide from which cup you want to enjoy it. Promotional cups will be also available in the festival shop. But for hygiene reasons you don't receive beer into this cups which you bought in the festival shop.
  13. No dogs or other animals are allowed in the festival area!
  14. Visitors must respect the instructions of the organizers and security services!
  15. Distribution and placement of any promotional and advertising materials without written permission of the organizer is prohibited!
  16. The organiser reserves the right to give instructions to the festival participants in order to maintain the safety and smooth running of the festival, to change the conditions stated with immediate effect if necessary, to change the programme and its content, including the performers, in the event of unforeseen events such as weather conditions, accidents, health conditions of the performers, etc.
  17. Strict ban on entering the stage or backstage.
  18. Camping is allowed only on defined and marked area. You can find defined spaces for camping at www.mastersofrock.cz. The organizers are not responsible for the stored items in the camp or in the public campsites.
  19. Parking is possible in defined places only while respecting traffic signs and regulations. Carefully study the map with reserved parking places on the website www.mastersofrock.cz. Cars standing on bans and in areas that are not designated for this purpose will be towed by the towing service and their owners will be fined.
  20. Use the sanitary facilities and equipment only provided for this purpose.
  21. Throwing cups with liquid content between visitors or on the stage will be considered a serious violation of festival rules and a person caught in such an act will be expelled from the festival without the possibility of return, as in other offenses against the festival rules.
  22. The Organiser may order the evacuation of the venue (area) in case of suspected danger to the health of the participants or the Organiser's property, such as natural disaster, terrorist attack, without any compensation for damage or loss of profit to the participant
  23. Access to the tribunes is allowed only to persons holding a valid ticket for the tribunes. The tribunes are intended for seating and watching concerts only, any other behaviour (such as standing, dancing and blocking the view of other visitors) is prohibited.

Luggage storage

SAFEBOX - lockers can be found at the entrance to the festival grounds. The lockers are supervised by cameras and staff.
Locker = 50x30x30 cm, you get a key to the locker and have NON-STOP access to it throughout the festival.
Buy on-line


Pragokoncert Agency 00420 777 701 591
NON-STOP HEALTH SERVICES during festival 00420 723 377 962
Bus and trains - Public Transport Coordinator ZLIN 00420 573 775 410
Railway station ČD - Vizovice 00420 577 452 209
Czech Railway ČD - Zlín - info office 00420 577 572 482
Post office - Vizovice 00420 577 452 401
Police station - Zlín 00420 577 600 111
Vizovice 00420 577 452 333
Town information and tourist center - Zlín       00420 577 630 270


Railway: Line no. 331 Otrokovice – Zlín – Vizovice
Bus: from Zlín (16 Km)
from Vsetín (20 Km)
from Luhačovice (20 Km)
from Valašské Klobouky (33 Km)
Road: first-class road I/49 Zlín – Valašská Polanka
Zlín – Vsetín
For train and bus times see: www.idos.cz

Festival Specials - in addition to the regular timetable

12.-14.07.2024 - OS10890 Vizovice > Zlín střed

➡️ Arrival ⏩️ Departure
Vizovice 02:30
Zádveřice 02:34 02:35
Lípa nad Dřevnicí 02:39 02:40
Želechovice n.Dř. 02:44 02:45
Zlín-Příluky 02:47 02:48
Zlín-Podvesná 02:50 02:51
Zlín-Dlouhá 02:53 02:54
Zlín střed 02:56

15.07.2024 - OS10892 Vizovice > Otrokovice

➡️ Arrival ⏩️ Departure
Vizovice 00:30
Zádveřice 00:34 00:35
Lípa nad Dřevnicí 00:40 00:41
Želechovice n.Dř. 00:44 00:45
Zlín-Příluky 00:48 00:49
Zlín-Podvesná 00:51 00:52
Zlín-Dlouhá 00:54 00:55
Zlín střed 00:58 00:59
Zlín-Malenovice 01:06 01:07
Otrokovice 01:16


There are many restaurants offering a wide choice of dishes as well as an array of stalls in the festival village where you can have meals during the festival.


The accommodation is FREE during the festival in designated areas (see this map) next to the festival area of Jelínek distillery. Camping outside these marked zones is strictly prohibited!


Parking – large unguarded parking area

Only 500m from the festival area. GPS coordinates: 49.2134144N, 17.8289717E
ATTENTION Only available capacity that will not be sold through the online reservation system will be released for sale on site.
OPENING HOURS: 10.07.2024 from 12:00 – 15.07.2024 until 12:00
PARKING DAY: from 07:00 am to 06:59 am the following day
On-line reservation - parking.backstage-agency.cz

Parking - AUTOKAT

Zlínská 1169, Vizovice (above the main road from Zlín)
- from 10.07.2024 12:00 to 15.07.2024 7:00.
- price 300 CZK/car/day or 50 CZK/car/hour, sleeping in the car: 50 CZK/person/night
- 24/7 monitored parking lot (CCTV system, security)
- possibility to leave at any time with a guaranteed parking spot
- free coffee and toilet, showers available for a fee
- solid paved area (no grass, no risk of getting stuck in bad weather)
- you can reserve parking with us at tel. 777 750 116 or by email at autokat@autokat.cz.

Parking - H+M comapny

Zlínská 1292, Vizovice (above the SOKO company, above the main road from Zlín, turn right in front of Autocat Autobazar)
- from 10.07.2024 12:00 to 16.07.2024 until 07:00.
- price only parking 200 CZK/car/day, price of sleeping in the car: 100 CZK/car/day + 200 CZK/person/day
- capacity about 200 cars

Hotels and camps

Hotel HARMONIE - Luhačovice

The festival participants can use a 10% discount on accommodation in the Harmonie hotel upon their verification of the festival tickets. The transport from Luhačovice to Vizovice is easy by public transport or by hotel Taxi for larger groups.
You can book your stay online, by phone on +420 577 117 222/882 or by e-mail at manager@hotel-harmonie.cz
We look forward to you!

Parking and Camp Dřevosklad; by the 2nd entrance

It is the nearest campsite with services, just 200 m from entrance No. 2 to the festival area. 10 m from the ČD railway station, 250 m from the nearest grocery store. The campsite is lit and monitored non-stop (including by the Police of the Czech Republic), it has 4 entrances to/from the wood storage.
Camp is open from 09.07.2024 06:00 to 15.07.2024 12:00 The camp office will be open 24/7. Since we cannot block traffic, we will let those who arrive on Monday evening and at night into the camp, just like last year. With the condition of keeping quiet at night.
Faceboook. Full info [PDF]

Camp football stadium - Vizovice

As in previous years, a camp will be available for visitors to the festival this year in the grounds of the SK Vizovice football stadium, which is the operator of this camp. The camp will be open 10th -15th of July 2024.
It is a nice, closed, guarded area with a capacity of 300 people (130 cars) with complete services (showers, toilets, refreshments).
Send orders to skvizovice@post.cz or call: 00420 724 805 768, 00420 602 445 192.
This venue is not operated by Pragokoncert. Fees are collected by SK Vizovice.

Camp Sokolova - Vizovice

Accommodation in own tents, caravans or cars in the area of the Sokolovna and in the area of the school.
Accommodation from 09.07.2024 10:00 until 15.07.2024 16:00 (accommodation is possible daily from 10:00 to 20:00).
Reservation here: tjsokolvizovice@seznam.cz (always state the date from-to, number of people, tents and cars.)
Full info [PDF][CZ]

BACKSTAGE Camp; by the 1st entrance

Just 100 meters from the main entrance No. 1. The camping zone is located directly opposite the premises of the Rudolf Jelínek company and provides not only a great location, but also all the necessary equipment for your comfortable stay - the camp is equipped with social facilities.
Operating hours of the camp: 10.07.2024 from 10:00 - 15.07.2024 until 12:00.
Price of accommodation: 500 CZK/tent and 300 CZK/person – for the entire festival
On-line reservation: https://parking.backstage-agency.cz/en/accommodation
Attention! Capacity is limited and priority is given to those reservations that will be made on-line. Remaining vacancies will only be available on site and may not cover all applicants.

The Těchlov field

Free camping area.

Rybárna camp and restaurant

Circa 15 minutes walk from the festival area. www.rybarnavizovice.cz

Hotel Vyhlídka - Luhačovice

A possibility of a discount for bigger groups. www.vyhlidka.eu

Residence Park-In Apartments in the Zlín city centre.

Renovated double rooms with a private bathroom and kitchenette. Capacity is 200 beds. There is internet in the building and parking space. For more info and booking call 602 587 955 or visit www.park-in.cz

Activitypark Hotel VŠEMINA

Hotel situated 12km from Vizovice. More info here.

Sports complex and hostel Zelené

Nearby the I/49 and ČD Podvesná stop, circa 18 minutes by train. 50 beds available in 2 or 3-bed rooms with toilets and WiFi. The area has a wheelchair access and an elevator next to the swimming pool Zelené.
Price: 360 CZK person/night
For More info go to ubytovnazelene-zlin.cz, or call 777 736 766.

The Tomáš Baťa University in Zlín dormitories

Location Štefánikova 150 or Antonínova 4379 a nám. TGM 3050. More info here.

Other accomodation options

SOŠ a SOU služeb Vizovice, tel. 577 599 333
Valašský šenk Vizovice, tel. 577 452 652

Pension Karolína, Trnava u Zlína, tel. 577 453 383, 603 215 621
Hotel Sole Zlín, tel. 577 210 458

Previous years: