AVATAR are coming with their "The Great Metal Circus" in March 2024 to PRAGUE!
There are no weapons on this planet that can challenge might of the electric guitar. For decades metal has been the most powerful force known to man. Its sonic teeth have gnawed through the status quo over and over, pushing the boundaries for what can be created in the marriage between blood and machine. If a Mount Rushmore were to be carved for all the titans of the genre, it would span the entire globe many times over. It’s a burning beacon, the misfits and rebels.
As time has passed, much of the scene has become divided in two equally stale camps. The first is forever stuck in the past, no longer seeking to lead. The second are those who have forgotten the most important ingredients to what made metal what it was and must remain. They’ve lost touch with the devil. They’ve forgotten how to move. In a genre best experienced with your whole body, they’ve lost the lust.
The Swedes AVATAR are outside all the boxes. “While constantly redefining what we do and why we do it, we are among a select few who have remained a true band of brothers. Metal has been our key to the kingdom, our way to see the world. Self-financing our debut when we were between 18 and 19, we have never waited for anyone’s approval or permission. With DANCE DEVIL DANCE we are adamant to give something back for all we’ve received”
Their latest album "DANCE DEVIL DANCE" (2023), was recorded in the Swedish wilderness, far away from all the perceived glamour of the big city and modern studios. “With grit and sheer force of will, we made the music the only way metal ever should be done. Modern metal too often becomes homogenized by everyone using the same drum samples and pre-sets for guitars. DANCE DEVIL DANCE is the sound of our bodies in motion, and nothing else. It sounds hard because we play hard. It’s loud because we are loud. Every band knows the challenge of capturing the rage of a stage performance on tape. This time we succeeded. This album bleeds black blood, bludgeoned by the road”.
AVATAR - the great and famous metal circus - brings you not only "Dance Devil Dance" with all its madness to PRAGUE, club SaSaZu! It will be a completely quirky celebration of all things ugly and a great challenge to all that is considered beautiful. This time, metal will make you dance there! On March 13th, 2024, AVATAR and their metal will get you and rip you to shreds!
And the fact that it's not fun, AVATAR has already proven many times, not only as a support for the famous Iron Maiden or Slipknot, but also at the biggest festivals, such as Wacken, Hellfest or Metalfest.
Join this bizarre freakshow, become the evil toys for AVATAR and everything else will remain outside of reality that night!
Special guest is an american melodic-death-metal band AETHER REALM.
18:30 doors open
19:30 - 20:15 Aether Realm
20:45 - 22:50 AVATAR