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We have a great video invitation for you!

THE ANSWER, Final Stair – Wednesday, 10.04.2024 – PRAGUE, Storm club

The Northern-Irish hard-rock masters THE ANSWER are coming soon with their album "Sundowners", in PRAGUE, the Storm club! We have them here in 2 weeks, on Wednesday, April 10th, and the singer of the band himself, Cormac Neeson, made a beautiful video invitation for you! Take a look and enjoy!
A very pleasant, classic hard-rock evening awaits you. Come enjoy the pure rock'n'roll sound and their energetic show! The special guest is the new, very creative and exceptional rock trio FINAL STAIR from Berlin.

April 10th belongs to rock'n'roll in PRAGUE! Come and have fun with the masters of this genre THE ANSWER in the Storm club!

Tickets are available at this website or in the Ticketportal network.

The tickets can be purchased at the following resellers: